• 6 апреля 2017, четверг
  • Москва, Болотная набережная, 11/1, Shakti Terrace

Third Annual Russian Hedge Fund Industry Awards 2017

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2828 дней назад
6 апреля 2017 c 18:00 до 22:00
Болотная набережная, 11/1, Shakti Terrace

The Russian Hedge Fund Industry Awards 2017 event, hosted by Moscow Hedge Fund Managers’ Club (MHFMC) and National Alternative Investment Management Association (NAIMA), will take place on April 6 in Moscow.

The hedge fund assessment process relies entirely on objective raw numbers. NAIMA’s Hedge Fund Committee, with contribution from MHFMC, reviews the risk and return characteristics of all reporting funds, and determines the winner in each category. The committee is impartial and unbiased.
The event is closed and strictly for hedge fund industry professionals

Participating hedge funds and NAIMA and MHFMC members will be granted VIP status and will be invited free of charge; all others will be offered paid entry under a strictly controlled guest list


  • Meet & great welcome cocktail reception
  • Brief Presentation by NAIMA’s Hedge Fund Committee on the state of the industry
  • Awards Ceremony led by MHFMC and event sponsors
  • Diner and music celebration



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